

Following these Ten Tips for Living Longer is likely to improve the quality of your current state of being as well as giving you a fighting chance at a longer, healthier life.

Living longer through better sleep
1. Get regular sleep for the right amount of time.
a. Seven to eight hours of sleep each night can help maintain cognitive function.
b. Studies indicate sleeping less than six hours per night nearly doubles your risk of heart attack and stroke, and can contribute to depression and dementia.
c. Avoid naps late in the day. Limit naps to 30 minutes in the early afternoon.
d. Try a warm bath, wearing socks to bed, room temp below 67°, and a pitch-black room to improve sleep.


2. Cut back on pain pills.
a. Regular use of over-the-counter pain killers may raise your risk of heart attack or stroke by 10%; prescription-strength pain killers by 20-50%.
b. Try massage, mild exercise, aromatherapy, or muscle rubs first.
c. Save the pain pills for more severe pain, using the smallest possible dose for the shortest possible time.

3. Drink plenty of the right kinds of fluid.
a. Coffee can be good for you! Studies note daily coffee drinking may reduce risk of stroke, diabetes and some cancers.
b. Anti-oxidants in green tea also combat diabetes and heart disease, increasing longevity.
c. Drink whole milk! Research indicates those who consume the most dairy fat have a lower risk of developing diabetes.
d. Fill up with water. Not only can sipping water help you lose weight, staying well-hydrated can reduce the risk of bladder infection and colon cancer.

4. Choose healthy fuel for your body
a. Eat whole grains – 3 or more serving per day. Best bets are brown rice, oatmeal (whole oats), quinoa, & barley.
b. Increase your veggie intake.
c. Let your fruit fully ripen. Ripe fruit has better health benefits than under-ripe fruit such as more antioxidants and better fiber content.
d. Eat less red meat and more fish.
e. Reduce sugar, but add spice. A high sugar diet increases likelihood of diabetes & heart disease. Eating spicy food releases endorphins that reduce pain and inflammation.

5. When & how much you eat matters.
a. Don’t eat after 9pm. Sleeping on a full stomach is not good for your waistline or your heart.
b. Eat less.  Stop when you are 80% full. Reducing calories can reduce blood pressure and insulin resistance.

6. Take a break!
a. Those who skip vacations are at much greater risk of heart attack.
b. Experiencing emotions related to awe, wonder and beauty can have a direct impact on health and life expectancy. So, take a walk in the woods, attend a concert or visit an art museum.
c. Do things that make you happy. Step away from the daily grind and schedule time for fun.

7. Get a pet.

a. Owning a pet can reduce anxiety and lower blood pressure.Living longer through exercise & Dog walking
b. Dog owners in particular tend to be more physically active and less vulnerable to stress.
c. If you aren’t able to have a pet of your own – volunteer at a humane shelter, schedule “pet therapy” visits, or adopt a neighborhood pooch who needs some extra attention.

8. Find your purpose
a. Having a reason to get up in the morning contributes to living longer and better quality of life.
b. Help out with the grand kids.
c. Get involved with a community group.
d. Use your talents to help a non-profit.

9. Be social
a. Loneliness increases the risk of early death by 45%!
b. Visit a friend.
c. Call family and friends regularly.
d. Plan neighborhood gatherings.
e. Join a club, community or church group.
f. Get on Facebook, but don’t let it interfere with face-to-face social connections.

10. Move your body every day.
a. Walk more, drive less. Even 10 minutes of daily walking can have tremendous health benefits.
b. Move as quickly as possible. A brisk walk is more beneficial than a stroll.
c. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Your brain will thank you! Gray matter shrinks less when you stay active.
d. Exercise benefits your brain, heart, skin, mood and metabolism. No pill can come close to doing all of that.

While there are no guarantees in life, following these Ten Tips for Living Longer should lead to a happier, healthier you  – now and in the future.